Online Features

New York Made Us This Way



—01. Familiar fonts.
—02. Printed interior.


If they mean: cash strapped, highly strung, and homesick; then yes, New York certainly did. Meant as an ode to the city, and the people that inhabit it (some of whom are partial to a good outfit or two), New York Made Us This Way is an exhibition of works by Jake Davis cultivated from his Test Shot project, and currently on display at Nepenthes New York. To celebrate the event, which also coincides with the store's first anniversary, Nepenthes have released a rather interesting take on a traditional white pocket t-shirt. A familiar font adorns the center, giving the pocket an unusual looking placement; one that's perhaps more washing and camera trickery than design. The back features a montage of screen shots from various Test Shots Jake has produced over the last couple of years, which has been printed on the interior of the shirt rather than on outside of the fabric. Years ago I once saw a similar design on a Bjork t-shirt at Magma in London; I thought it looked good then, and still think it looks good now.

Jake Davis
Nepenthes NY

Reader Comments (8)

Philip Watts is so lame. You live in New York, we get it. You and 8 million other people.

"My name is Philip Watts and I live in New York. Did I mention I live in New York? May I recommend some tasteful Japanese garments to you? I'm personal friends with Daiki and Takeshi so I'm kind of a big deal. Also Mos Def, but I wont even go into that"
September 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCooly P
who in the hell would walk around wearing a jake davis t-shirt?
September 17, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterderp
Philip your posts have been interesting thus far and since this links to Nepenthes and Jake Davis it seems to be right up Inventory’s alley. Saying that this t-shirt is awful and the test shots for the most part are awful. I know Simon, Owen and Ryan were the guinea pigs to this but once they allowed people to speak I kind of wanted to slit my wrists (cough….Josh Peskivitz).

“Its as little frill as possible form and function and balance and it takes a while to get there.” Well I hope I never get there and I hope I never find myself wearing 15 bracelets on one wrist and claiming that I have removed the “extraneous shit” from something classic. No one should let that guy speak.
September 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJ
Philip Watts is the worst.
September 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterUlysses
my nikkas back! ^
September 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDookie
who in the hell would walk around wearing a jake davis t-shirt? -derp

Cooly P and Ulysses would of course ! ! !
September 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarcel
Utter shite this is!
September 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMA
BLOWS my mind how lame this is - these 'test shots' are self congratulatory ass kissing nonsense. Cringe worthy self indulgent trash made without any skill or imagination

The subjects are insecure bandwagon jumpers, made by the high priest of them all, now someone has made a t shirt celebrating it! could things get any worse? shame on you inventory...
September 18, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteroli smith

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