Midori Stationery

—01. A January recommendation from Fantastic Man.
I was reminded about this Japanese stationery brand twice recently. Back in January Fantastic Man wrote a daily recommendation that sounded eerily familiar (thanks to the 6 man, hour long examination of the store we undertook in November): "We must have been doing something wrong during a recent visit to Japan, because unlike what we’d expected, we weren’t particularly successful in finding fabulous examples of the famed Japanese designer stationery and desk accessories. (The department store TOKYU HANDS is big, but not a great treasure source – where should we have gone instead?) Luckily, others are doing the search-and-select process for us, such as Amsterdam-based mail-order store Miscellaneous. Among lots of great objects are these attractive numbered brass paper clips. Much nicer than the common Post-It or the folded corner of a page." The paperclips are the work of the excellent Midori stationery company, and you can add Present to the list of the brand's stockists should the above, and below, appeal to you. Present have themselves just received a reorder of the fantastic stationery, which was actually the second of the two recent reminders I mentioned earlier.
—Midori Stationery
—Available at Present and Miscellaneous

Reader Comments (3)
p.s. i found fantastic man at barnes and noble which is pretty cool because it is more accessible.. for me anyway.
Stationary means standing still.