Online Features

Entries in Taryn Simon (2)


Taryn Simon – The Picture Collection


Gagosian Gallery
February 12th - March 28th 2013
17-19 Davies Street
London W1K 3DE
Hours: Mon-Sat 10-6


"The Picture Collection comprises forty-four works inspired by the New York Public Library’s picture archive, one of the august institution’s lesser-known troves. The archive contains 1.2 million prints, postcards, posters, and printed images, most of which have been cut from secondary sources, such as books and magazines. It is the largest circulating picture library in the world, organized according to a complex cataloging system of over 12,000 subject headings. Since its inception in 1915, it has been an important resource for writers, historians, artists, filmmakers, fashion designers, and advertising agencies. Diego Rivera, who made use of it for his legendary mural for the Rockefeller Center, Man at the Crossroads (1934), noted how the scope of this picture collection might go on to shape contemporary visions of America."

Gagosian Gallery

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Mono.Editionen #3 / Taryn Simon



—01. A Living Man Declared Dead and Other Chapters.


Mono.Kultur magazine have just released their latest Mono.Editionen to coincide with Taryn Simon's new showing of her A Living Man Declared Dead and Other Chapters series. Taking the opportunity to rerelease their best selling issue, which contained the original series by Simon, the new edition comes packaged in a glassine envelope and contains not only the magazine reprint, but also and interview addendum and ten plates from the series, printed as a set of separate cards. The series itself was shot over the course of four years in Brazil, Bosnia, Uday and India, and is described by the artist herself as "the external forces of territory, power, circumstance or religion and how they collide with the internal forces of psychological and physical inheritance."

Mono.Editionen #3

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