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Entries in Salon 94 (2)


More Material at Salon 94


Salon 94
243 Bowery
New York, NY 10002
June 26 – August 1, 2014


Few shows I've seen have tried to fit this many different items and ideas into such a small space. From art to jewelry to ceramics, when you walk into Salon 94, you are quickly greeted with anything and everything the fashion designer Duro Olowu finds inspirational to his process, as well as items he created for the show itself. It's almost dizzying attempting to take it all in, but who's complaining when you have work by Caroline Achaintre, Glenn Ligon, Juergen Teller and many more all in one place.

Salon 94


Terry Adkins – Nenuphar


Salon 94
1 Freeman Alley & 243 Bowery
New York, NY
October 30, 2013 – January 11, 2014


When you enter the spaces in question you get an immediate sense that you are viewing a series of long lost artifacts – possibly a key to the past, possibly the future. This is due to a unique approach to historical narrative in the artist Terry Adkins' work. In the case of this particular exhibition, he was inspired by the strange similarities between American renaissance man George Washington Carver and modern art innovator Yves Klein. Even if you choose not to attempt to decode the complex systems within the work itself, you will certainly still enjoy how beautiful the individual pieces look placed around either of the gallery's New York locations.

Salon 94