Online Features

Entries in Rose Bowl (1)


Online Feature: Rose Bowl


Words by Liz Armstrong.
Photography by Sarah Soquel Morhaim.


Photographer Sarah Soquel Morhaim and writer Liz Armstrong both have an affinity for LA's legendary Rose Bowl – a large-scale, world-renowned flea market that takes place on the second Sunday of every month, in the shadows of the famous sports stadium in Pasadena. The pair visited the market before the break of dawn, to witness and record firsthand the dedicated buyers who pay a premium rate to get first dibs on the available wares – donning flashlight headbands to rummage through piles of clothing and other rarities in the darkness. As the sun came up, and the pedestrian throngs arrived, Sarah and Liz spent the remainder of the day documenting the comings and goings of the regular sellers, bargain hunters, and rare memorabilia collectors.

Online Feature: Rose Bowl