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Entries in Philadelphia Museum of Art (1)


Cy Twombly – Sculptures


Philadelphia Museum of Art
2600 Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, PA 19130 
Until February 2016


"Taking cues from the Dada movement and from the work of Swiss sculptor Alberto Giacometti, Cy Twombly created poetic objects whose serene white surfaces and allusive forms seem to recall remote worlds of myth and the ancient past. After reaching an indisputable maturity in his early sculpture, created from 1946 to 1959, Twombly returned to working in three dimensions in the mid-1970s and continued to cast new works up until his passing in 2011. When asked shortly before his death whether any of his sculptures might be considered companions to his masterful series of ten paintings Fifty Days at Iliam of 1978 (installed at the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 1989), the artist responded by choosing a selection of extraordinary bronzes, five of which are on view in this installation.”

Philadelphia Museum of Art