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Entries in October Gallery (1)


Brion Gysin: Unseen Collaborator


October Gallery
24 Gloucester Street
London WC1N 3AL
July 2 – October 3, 2015


I was aware of the role Brion Gysin played in creating the incredible Dreamachine light sculpture, but until reading William Burroughs’ latest biography, Call Me Burroughs, I didn't know how innovative an artist and thinker he really was. Having introduced Burroughs to the cut-up technique, it’s hard to say where one of the most famous beat writer’s careers may have gone without him. "Neo-calligrapher, master of line, multimedia revolutionary and cultural historian, Gysin’s experiences in New York, Tangier, Paris and London influenced his seminal artistic productions." Judging by the imagery online, this seems like an outstanding exhibition, and a welcome return for an artist who had his first solo show in the UK at the very same gallery.

October Gallery