Online Features

Entries in Makers & Brothers (2)


Studio Donegal Wool Scarves



—01. Navy.
—02. Oatmeal.


Spring collections might well be arriving in stores left, right and center, but it remains freezing outside here in New York. Which is why I've found myself browsing store shelves and websites for both scarves and gloves in recent days. These are handwoven on Ireland's Atlantic coast, and come in three colours: oatmeal, emerald and navy.

Available from Makers & Brothers


Makers & Brothers



—01. Enamel Tumblers.
—02. 3 Legged Stool.


I'm not a fan of that new Google image search function. It takes the fun away from the internet, which for me is the stumbling and searching through the overabundance of blogs, stores, and websites to find the source of something I've seen somewhere else. Trial and error, detective work, or just plain luck. These are my methods both online and in the real world, and so I was pleasantly surprised to "stumble across" Makers & Brothers this week, as I searched around to find an item I'd seen and was trying to track down. Established just last year by the brothers Legge as "an online retail venture founded on simple things; the handmade, objects of integrity, contemporary vernaculars, a curation of everday design and craft", the store carries some interesting pieces by several excellent contemporary designers. It doesn't hurt that I also happen to have a thing for stools at the moment.

Makers & Brothers

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