Online Features

Entries in Herald St (3)


Diane Simpson & Lesley Vance at Herald St


2 Herald Street
London E2 6JT
November 21, 2015 – January 31, 2016


The Herald St gallery in London opened a concurrent exhibition of work by artists Diane Simpson and Lesley Vance in November. For those that haven’t seen it yet, the show runs until the end of January and looks well worth visiting. Geometric form and an inquisitive exploration of shape, rigidly in the case of Simpson and more fluidly as it pertains to the work of Vance, is the tie that binds these two artists. Amy Sherlock touches on this very succinctly in the text that accompanies the exhibition, referring to the paintings and sculptures as "developable surfaces."

Herald St


Online Feature: Inventory Eleven



—01. Oliver Payne, 2014.


One of the better aspects of working for Inventory, and here I don't mean to brag, is that it enables us to collaborate not only with our friends, but also with people we greatly admire. Being able to combine both, or when one becomes the other, offers the ultimate feeling of fulfillment, and is something I know each of us cherish. Issue 11 of the magazine was no exception, and being able to visit and interview the Los Angeles-based artist Oliver Payne was certainly one of my own personal highlights. Having put up with an afternoon of questions, photographs and arcade game defeats, I was thrilled when Oliver also agreed to produce a short film for the launch of our latest issue.

Inventory Eleven was first shown back in November, as part of an exhibition, and during a night of celebration, at the Paris bookstore 0fr. Today we're proud to finally share Oliver's film online for the very first time, accompanied by a short Q&A with the artist about the concept behind it, and the themes contained within.

Online Feature: Inventory Eleven


Michael Dean at Herald St



—01. Installation View, 2013.


Running for another week or so, Michael Dean's solo exhibition at Herald Street gallery in London, looks like a fine way to spend some time inside. The artist, from Newcastle upon Tyne in the north of England, is showing a range of pieces in various mediums, including sculptural work produced using concrete and glue.

Herald St