Harry Gould Harvey IV: Demo (2014)

Working Title
126A Davenport Road
Toronto, ON
M5R 1H9
May 16 – June 16, 2014
"Demo (2014) is the continued exploration into imagery and surfaces encountered within specific cultural occurrences amongst a coterie of men. Within Harvey's recent show S/T walls were cast from plaster serving as indexes or objects recording the surface in which the sub-culture exists. Continuing to create a context in which the work lives in additional objects are re-contextualized within the setting of the work. Pushing the idea of what makes an object or work photographic Harvey works with numerous materials making impressions and creating a record onto the gallery wall. Along with sculptural works and objects, photographic prints and vinyl exist to be spliced within serving as a context of fantasy. The works all serve as records of movement, texture and imaginative lust compiled amongst themselves to create a collective theoretic atmosphere."