Collage Culture: Examining The 21st Century's Identity Crisis

—01. Collage Culture.
—02. Aaron Rose.
The Heavy Mental recently published an excellent interview with the ever interesting Aaron Rose, concerning his essay 'The Death of Subculture' from the book Collage Culture. The book was conceived as a critique and study on the 21st century's obsession with reworking, often without credit, works of art and design from the past, while Rose's essay itself acts as a call of arms for young and contemporary designers to adopt a philosophy of creative innovation. The book, designed by Brian Roettinger, also features an essay entitled 'Living in the Mess' by Mandy Khan, which explores the notion that the abundance of reference that surrounds us might actually have a negative effect on the way we feel, and the ways in which we create.
—Collage Culture
—The Heavy Mental interview with Aaron Rose