Online Features

Entries in Chris Taylor (2)


Queen of Tsawwassen

Event Info

July 13th, from 8:00pm
Inventory Vancouver
45 Powell St.
Vancouver, BC


Over the past year we've worked alongside five photographers and Japanese publisher twelvebooks to produce this publication. Queen of Tsawwassen is a 120-page, full colour book featuring 78 images from Ali Bosworth, Seth Fluker, Jennilee Marigomen, Dan Siney and Chris Taylor. The title is a reference to one of the original BC Ferries which operated between Vancouver Island and the mainland – a unique region of the Pacific Northwest where much of the book’s imagery was captured.

We will be hosting a party at our Vancouver store to celebrate the release of the book this Saturday.

Available at Inventory


The Life and Times of William Callahan



—01. First edition of 450.


Photographed by Chris Taylor and produced by Hassla Projects, The Life and Times of William Callahan is a 67-page, hardcover book comprising 35 colour offset plates and an essay by Paul Butler. The design and production value are exquisite, but, as you'd expect, it's the images and their subject that really make the book special. After an email to Drag City, Bill Callahan's longtime record label, and a meeting with the musician himself, it was agreed that Chris would photograph him and his surrounding environment in Austin, Texas every other day for a month. This kind of access was something of a coup and Chris has been careful not to reveal too much of his notoriously private subject – his imagery showing just enough to perpetuate the myth.

Available at Inventory