Online Features

Entries in British Folk Part One (2)


Restocked: British Folk Part One



—01. British Folk Part One by James Pearson-Howes.


We just received a restock of British Folk Part One and this is the last batch we'll be getting. James has officially sold out and is working on Part Two, so if you've been thinking about picking up a copy, now's the time to do it.

—Available at Inventory Stockroom and Dover Street Market


In Stock: British Folk Part One



—01. British Folk Part One by James Pearson-Howes.


James Pearson-Howes has been shooting features and editorials for Inventory magazine since the first issue. His photographs are always full of character, beautifully composed and consistently highlight an ability to put his subjects at ease. The latter is even more evident when you visit his website and look through his personal projects and work for other clients; James can shoot anyone and anything. Diversity and portraiture are a common thread and it's these priorities that underpin his first book. British Folk documents a series of unconventional British folk traditions. These events were originally about exorcising a towns' demons or ensuring a better crop, but today they're all about being part of a community.

Litho printed and perfect bound with a buckram cloth spine, this edition of 250 is the first in a trilogy of planned releases. Designed by Ben Freeman, it focuses on three regions - Dorset, Devon and Peterborough - and specifically Hunters Moon Morris, Tar Barrels, the Straw Bear and the Red Leicester Morris Men. The subsequent two editions are scheduled for release next year and will feature, among other things, the Obby Oss, Lewes Bonfire Night and the Pearly King and Queen.

—Available at Inventory Stockroom and Dover Street Market

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