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Entries in Bresciani (1)


Nitty Gritty Socks



—01. Red light rib stripes
—02. Cashmere cable knit in light blue
—03. Cream and blue block rib


Warm weather generally means no socks for me, although it's nice to add a little bit of colour where you can and socks are a subtle & somewhat unexpected way to do so. Nitty Gritty have a number of great in-house options available which they've produced in association with Italian company Bresciani. They come in a variety of nice patterns, colours and materials that range from a great light blue cashmere cable knit, to a vibrant red striped rib cotton version. Both of which would look good between some Authentics and some khaki chinos perhaps. Some would say they're expensive for a pair of socks, but well made, proper fitting hosiery is one of the most underrated things there is.

&mdash Nitty Gritty