SoundCloud Spotlight: Compendium

—01. Intimate Desolation AKA Yung Cashmere Moth.
—02. Broken Pieces AKA AM97 General Release.
Before ever getting into clothing and fashion, music was the first thing I really immersed myself in. It was Michael Jackson and Boyz II Men to start with, but I quickly got into hip hop – a genre I continue to follow closely to this day. In the past few months I've begun to play with other people's music, inspired by new artists from all around the world working together and collaborating in new ways. This evolved into creating a handful of mixes, mostly for myself as an after hours activity. It's been both meditative and revitalizing, as I've enjoyed digging around the internet for new tracks, finding old ones to play alongside them, and discovering artists that I wouldn't have otherwise. Besides that, thinking up the names has become one of my favourite pieces of the puzzle.

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