Online Features

Simon Gardiner Photography



—01. New York City - 6th ave.


Archinect features an interesting article on British photographer Simon Gardiner which includes a selection of his dynamic and bold styles of photography. Clearly the architecture in New York City resonates very strongly with Simon as his visuals convey a very "cinematic" feel. I find the use of space really beautiful in his shots which incorporates well into his street style view. I suggest you cruise over to the link below and have a read while enjoying the quality of photography as well.

Article via Archinect

Reader Comments (4)

These are FANTASTIC. Beautiful work - thanks for sharing.
November 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMel
Too bold in his photoshop filtering for my tastes. I think it disassociates the architecture from the reality of these spaces as inhabited by people and their experiences by hyper-dramatizing them. My own preference for Architectural photography is Iwan Baan's work...

I applaud this sort of content, though! Clothing is the architecture of the body...
November 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJorden
Jorden you are totally right: Iwan Baan is the KING! for me he's the coolest dutchmen alive :)
November 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHans Peterse
too much photoshop filtering..
November 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrtrtheempire

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