Rosey Jekes

—01. Rosey Jekes, since 1977.
Hanover, New Hampshire has been home to one of America's most interesting and unique independent menswear shops for decades. Rosey Jekes resides on the corner of Lebanon St., occupying the entire building with an excellent selection of vintage furniture and clothing, alongside contemporary collections as well as Rosey's Cafe. Sadly this will be the last season for the iconic shop, which is said to still have a handful of Nigel Cabourn's original Limited Edition pieces. If you have a chance to visit before the end of the year, it would definitely be worthwhile.

Reader Comments (7)
Also, it's a real shame what's happened to Cabourn.
Yes, you can compete with J.Crew by expanding inventory to cover private label products and lower-cost goods, and provide services that jcrew won't or can't.