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North Face Purple Label Mountain Jacket



—01. Available in beige and burgundy.


It feels like the anticipation for North Face Purple Label to break into the western market is building. I would imagine it's only a matter of seasons now, so hopefully this jacket is still in the collection by then. Coming in beige and burgundy, it has a number of great looking design aspects from the buttons to the collar to the pocketing. The burgundy would definitely be my choice, and it's even available in sizes up to XL for those willing to order from Japan.

Available at Digital Mountain

Reader Comments (4)

Those look good. Really good.
November 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJ.S
I really hope they do bring this to North America. I used to work for the North Face and the only time I ever got to see the purple label was when we had Japanese shoppers/tourists in town in Beverly Hills. I never understood why they couldn't do a few capsule stores to get some of their best stuff out there. It is strange that their regular stuff is so unstylish save for a few timeless pieces like the down jacket, mountain light, and mountain guide jackets.
November 29, 2010 | Unregistered Commentertravis
looks like river phoenix's threads in my own private idaho
November 30, 2010 | Unregistered Commentercc
I dont think i have ever been disappointed by North Face Purple Label, which i think its really a "F" you to people that live in america that would love to be able to get their hands on some of these items without having to go to Japan or figure out how to buy it online....... I apologize on behave of Americans that we drop the bomb on Japan.
December 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSmk

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