Look: Market Forager
—01. South2 West8 Ballistic Tool Tote.
—02. Sassafras Flower Bud Half Shirt.
—03. orSlow US Army Fatigue Pants.
—04. Engineered Garments Workaday Overlap T-Shirt.
—05. Deadstock Swedish Army Belt.
—06. orSlow US Navy Hat.
—07. Yuketen English Ranger.
With the weather already starting to cool off in the shade and at night, pants and overshirts are becoming a more common occurrence. Between the fabrics of orSlow and Sassafras, these garments feel as good as they look. Yuketen's latest version of their Ranger Moc go nicely with the fatigue pants as well.
Reader Comments (12)
There are not many english sites that have a proper otaku point of view on progressive amekaji out there.
Don't rule out them Aborigines, they got a good look going on.
Do your bit for globalisation, dress locally.
with all due respect, and remember I'm sayin' it with all due respect, that idea ain't worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin gettin' it on.