Online Features

In Stock: Les Cahiers Purple



—01. Issue Number 1, 2010.


I first heard about Les Cahiers Purple through Simon a few months ago, and since then I've been trying to locate a copy for myself. The collection of short articles, stories, illustrations and photographs put together by the folks behind Purple magazine is another lovely little print gem. Well, maybe not so little. It's nearly 300 pages long, printed on an off-white/grey stock with all black and white photography. It comes in English and French, and we were lucky enough to find some of the last copies of issue Number 1 in English.


Reader Comments (3)

So glad you managed to track this down. Such a great publication and addition to the shop! Good work boys. Once again.
June 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJ.S
I'm glad we got them as well. I ordered as many as the distributor had left. They're great.
June 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRyan
Any chance you guys could get any more copies of this!? You are sold out and I missed out!!
July 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTim

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