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First Delivery: South2 West8



—01. Trapper pack in rust.


Since we launched our shop, we've seen and worked with some great accessory and bag brands. No matter how many bags we have personally, we're still always drawn to classic design, great use of fabric, colour and good value. South2 West8 potentially check all of the boxes better than anyone else out there. We received a couple of back packs in our first delivery, with many more styles on the way.

Available at Inventory Stockroom

Reader Comments (2)

Beautiful looking bags and a brand that has been on my raidar for a year or so and good to find a familiar retailer stocking them... keep those other styles coming, definitely on my shopping list
July 28, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCiaran
i like these!
July 29, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterfrost

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