Online Features

Feature: 127 Sale



—01. 127 Sale: written and photographed by Kyle Garner of Sit and Read Furniture.


When I was last in New York I got to spend some time with Kyle Garner, who you might have read about in our spring issue. His shop, Sit and Read Furniture, has been doing some great things in the realm of modest furnishing lately. Between working on his own showroom space and collaborating with Unis, Kyle is continually trying to track down 'new' vintage pieces. At the end of the summer he set off to check out the legendary 127 Sale, so we thought it would be interesting to have him document the trip and what he found; or didn't find...

Feature: 127 Sale

Reader Comments (1)

I LOVED this feature. Felt like a nice summer breeze ;-)
September 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMel

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