Elephant Brand

—01. Kazuhiro Hirata's collection of bandanas is documented in Elephant Brand.
Kazuhiro Hirata spent ten years bringing together an assortment of bandanas he wanted to wear. While in the beginning the Kapital frontman wasn't necessarily collecting them per se, a decade later and he had an impressive collection. After he'd amassed hundreds of them, mostly fast color ones, he catalogued them into this book Elephant Brand, which I finally managed to track down recently. The book gives a brief history of the cloth from all the way back in the 1600s and the Hindi origin of the word, through the American Gold Rush era up until it's prominence in Work and Western brands of the '40s and '50s. It's pretty much all in Japanese, with the exception of the amazing names Hirata has given each of his bandanas. Despite that though, the book is a fantastic visual reference of some amazing patterns and designs. It's an excellent addition for any coffee table.
Reader Comments (13)
then stop reading the blogs and fuck off
ive met owen and he is a really sound bloke,and he is a really big part of the inventory that many people find very interesting
Another example: " It's not quite cold enough for a sweater yet though, and to be honest I'm a bit bored with most of mine."
This sentence makes no sense. I'm not being hurtful - I'm trying to point out detracting flaws. It is all for the better of Inventory.
maybe you should hide the comments section again, or make it "harder" to find =). it's amazing how placing the link to comments after readers have clicked on the title of the abstract can make a huge difference to the amount of comments being made.
though ulysses has a point, i think most people that post things on the internet often do it with haste. i know i've had my fair share of silly sounding posts. hell, i don't even have capitals.
but to the people that are upset with the comments he's made, it's sort of like tough love - really mean, tough love.
Feel free to pick on my writing skills.