Unearthed: Made in U.S.A. 2 - Scrapbook of America

—01. A well-thumbed cover.
—02. Bags.
—03. Shoes and boots.
This 1976 edition of the once popular, and perhaps subculture defining, publication has frequently appeared in front of me at various times, and in various places, throughout the last year. Most notably during our trip to Tokyo at the tail end of 2011, where if it wasn't being spotted in the locked cabinet of a bookstore, it was on the desk during a meeting, or in someones personal collection at home; being used for both inspiration and reference. During the course of my limited viewings, it's been easy to see why the magazine has been so highly sought after, and so extremely influential to those that own it. It would also appear that the near-constant haunting of it's influence will no longer be limited to the real world either: this week it was featured on Swimsuit Department, as part of their 'Lucky Wednesday' discovery.