Visvim Spring Albacore & Lhamo Shirts

—01. First delivery.
The Bureau have just received their first spring delivery from Visvim which features a small selection of shirts.
—Available at The Bureau
—01. First delivery.
The Bureau have just received their first spring delivery from Visvim which features a small selection of shirts.
—Available at The Bureau
—01. Photo by Alberto Sinigaglia.
Just when the search seemed hopeless, one of our readers living in Sweden unearthed a fresh load of deadstock belts. Once again, we have stock of both size 110 and 120 - available at both stores and online.
—Available at Inventory
—01. Handnumbered first edition.
Released by Shelter Press in an edition of 150, this 48 page zine looks at Nicholas' relationship between photography and the printing process. Using a book his family printing company published in 1972, entitled Farming Always Farming, as both inspiration and content, the zine features photographs of the original book, obscured by corse halftone dots that reduces the images to abstract shapes and tones.
—01. Knitted in England.
Made from Sea Island Cotton and available in two colours, this Breton top is knitted in England and offers a beautifully made, premium version of the classic spring staple.
—Margaret Howell
—01. J Carrier - Elementary Calculus.
—02. Martin Boyce - A Partial Eclipse.
—03. Torbjørn Rødland - Vanilla Partner.
—04. Anthony Hernandez - Rodeo Drive, 1984.
We've recently added several new publications from the excellent MACK books to both our online and New York stores. Founded by Michael Mack, who previously worked as an apprentice under the influential publisher Gerhard Steidl, MACK books produce the highest quality monographs, from established and emerging photographers. In a relatively short space of time MACK have published arguably some of the most interesting and beautifully crafted photo books in recent memory, and we're thrilled to be stocking works from J. Carrier, Jem Southam, Mårten Lange, Anthony Hernandez, Martin Boyce, and Torbjørn Rødland.
—Available at Inventory
—01. Waterproof.
This nylon military shirt jacket by Aspesi offers a slim fit and functional design. The fabric is waterproof and the seams are taped, yet you still get a classic looking garment with the four front pockets, corozo buttons and a single vent.
—01. Made in Seattle, USA.
We just received our latest Ebbets Field Flannels hats for the spring. The cotton twill caps have a soft, washed look, and worn-in feel. The leather adjustable strap makes sizing easy and they come in navy blue and hunter green.
—Available at Inventory