Alden Visit

—01. Owen going through swatches.
—02. Nate Humble drawing up a special Alden for Inventory.
—03. Stock Alden models.
A couple months ago we had the pleasure of meeting with Mr. Nate Humble on his trip to Vancouver, BC. He had been doing his West Coast sales trip and we were finally able to track him down with the opening of the Inventory Stockroom around the corner. The American shoe makers have seen a recent rise in popularity among the younger crowd in America, and while it's something Alden are quick to admit, it's not something they are quick to cash in on. They've always believed in working slow and steady to keep the factory running and maintain a healthy business. They pick and choose their stockists carefully and their special make ups even more so. It was a pleasant experience going through the swatches and possibilities with Nate and I'm definitely looking forward to doing it again soon.