Echo by JIMA, Issue 13.

Online Features

Sassafras Corduroy Fall Leaf Pants



—01. Brown corduroy, perfect for fall.
—02. Exterior pocket bag, great for loosing keys.


One of my favorite items from Sassafras gets a nice makeover this fall with the season-appropriate fabric, corduroy. The brown looks classic and goes nicely with the brand's subtle exterior branding. The pants have a really nice cut to them and look well-made. They are fairly true to size and Starling allows overseas orders as well.

Available at Starling Shop


Still Design



—01. Fiberglass rocker.
—02. Wire chair.


Last week I was in Victoria for a quick visit; the city is small, but it's where I grew up and also the home of Viberg Boot. Another small gem I came across was Still Design. The showroom is on the top floor of a tucked away apartment building and the owner has a fine selection of items up there. The furniture shop has also partnered with Four Horsemen, a local menswear shop, to offer a revolving selection of smaller items from the showroom and to help merchandise the store. The space includes a great variety of vintage chairs, tables, HBC wool blankets and some designs the owner has created himself. If you aren't in Victoria, some of the pieces are available online.

Still Design

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Rocky Mountain Featherbed Vests



—01. Down vests with leather yoke.


Rocky Mountain Featherbed has made a strong case for the best quality down vests on the market. With a variety of interesting fabrics, fine leathers and nice construction, the brand has made the transition from Japan to the western world pretty well it seems. While the designs are a little too much for me, they do look great and the blanket wool looks particularly interesting. I personally would opt for something a little more simple like those by Mt. Rainier Design, but there is no denying that there is something appealing about these winter pieces.

Available at Present


Fox River Raggler Socks



—01. Loden.


You know those shoes that you love, but you could only get in a size too big? So you need thick socks to wear them, right? Well, these socks, are just about as good as those shoes and they actually make those shoes the perfect size now. Fox River seems to be known for their monkey socks, but these Raggler socks are definitely my pick of the bunch. Available in grey, loden and navy, the wool socks are cozy, thick, warm and look great. Definitely good value at $11 a pair.

Available at Unis


Sunny Sports Denim Shirt



—01. Chambray lined collar.


There still aren't many shops carrying Sunny Sports outside of Japan but C'H'C'M continues to offer a nice selection of the brand's shirting and jackets. This light colored denim shirt has nice chest pockets, clean stitching and interesting chambray lining details on the collar and inside of the shirt. The details are subtle and fairly hidden, so the shirt appears simple from the outside, just how I like it.

Available at CHCM

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WTaps Fall Items



—01. BUDS shirt and waffle long sleeve.


I'm glad to see Union's new website because it's not too often that we get to see a lot of the products from Wtaps otherwise, if you don't live in one of the few cities with a retailer. Wtaps always has some great military inspired pieces as well as very good basics. I think the brand is very well done and these simple fall items are a couple of my favorites from Union right now. The BUDS shirt also comes in a very nice looking navy blue.

Available at Union


Beams Plus Ring Belt



—01. Available in black and brown.


These ring belts are among the fantastic selection of Beams Plus accessories available this season. The light brown looks especially good, although the black isn't bad either. The subtle branding would wear away nicely with time while the clean stitching and perfect sized rings make it one of the better ring belts on the market.

Available at Beams


Acquired: Engineered Garments Tailored Down Vest



—01. Made in Canada.


On our recent trip to New York there were only a couple of items I had my mind set on. The first was some socks from Uniqlo and the second was the tailored down vest by Engineered Garments. I remembered liking it when we saw the collection last January, but it was quickly edited from our shop order. When they started popping back up in stores this fall I didn't want to miss out again. At first the brown color caught my eye, but the blue in person was too good. The cut of the vest is pretty nice and it feels great. It's a bit puffier than I had hoped so wearing it under a lightweight jacket isn't as good as I thought. Overall I'm quite happy with it though, and I don't have to worry about kicking myself in a few months.

Available at The Bureau and Nepenthes

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